Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blue Bird Cafe... Noah

So me, Ashly, and Lisa went to the blue bird cafe last Monday. If you're not sure what that is, you should visit here. It was very entertaining and interesting to hear different song writters play just one of their own songs. Some were great and some were terrible, but i respected each one for playing in front of so many other song writers... Well except maybe the guy who introduced his song as being "sexy". I wont go into the lyrical content, but it was pretty unnecessary and unimaginative. Anywho, Lisa talked to the lady who was running things and it looks like we will be playing there this coming Monday, July 7th. We haven't picked out our song(s) yet, it's kinda tough because so many of our songs are short, and we want to play longer that a minute and a half... We will be playing as a three piece; me, Lisa, and Rachel. Anyone who wants to come watch is welcome to come, but i encourage you to come and enjoy the whole experience... If you are there just to see us, you will only see one, maybe two songs...

God Bless,

and so ends our first blog on

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