Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vacation... Noah

Ashly and I went to Orlando Florida this past week. It was all vacation should be. Slept a lot, swimming pool, tv, movies, putt-putt, universal studios, eating... it was good. We ate at chili's 4 times... It's not even our favorite restaurant, but it was the only one at our exit, and we were not usually in the mood to drive much further than that... We listened to a lot of music. I've been a fan of arcade fire for a while, but they became my new obsession this week. You should give them a chance if you haven't already... Start with their first full length, "Funeral".

I'm so glad to be back in Murfreesboro, i love this town, but i'm sad to get back to regular schedule... I don't hate to work, but i just feel like there is so much more i could be doing with my time that would be a lot more beneficial...
Making money can be such a waste of time, yet so unavoidably necessary.

God Bless,

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